Tag: health

  • How to identify if a doctor is providing genuine advice?

    How to identify if a doctor is providing genuine advice?

    Now-a-days, there are too many health professionals, clinics and multi-speciality hospitals and it’s hard to feel who is providing genuine advice. We also have heard that we may go with some problem but end up diaognise for something else. We have personally experienced with a hospital in our area that advice patient to get admitted…

  • An appeal from Dr. Kiran for the benefit of universe

    Appeal from Dr.Kiran ( +91 8019125547) //sumtrupthi.in To GROUP CHANT “Shree Ganapathi Atharva Seersha Maha Mantra By anyone with Sradha & Bhakti. At their OWN CONVENIENCE, daily, preferably before sunrise (06-30 a m), SITTING at a fixed place ( ASANA), facing EAST ( Sun God ), ONCE, TWICE or more. Starting from 11th May, 2018…

  • Life has slightly changed after started using fitness tracker

    Recently my work place has introduced a wellness program which came with a freebie of a fitness tracker. Post that, life has changed a little and sure way to go! Though I love to walk, never bothered about making note of steps I have taken, if I have used, though, in between I used to…

  • First aid for someone with seizure

    Recently we had to consult Dr. Pramod Krishnan, Neurologist at Manipal Hospital and learnt a valuable advice from him on How to handle people who affected with seizures. It’s common we see people give out key bunch and put some liquid into mouth. But sadly all that are myths for recovery and in fact, they…