How to identify if a doctor is providing genuine advice?

Doctor holding the hand of a patient

Now-a-days, there are too many health professionals, clinics and multi-speciality hospitals and it’s hard to feel who is providing genuine advice. We also have heard that we may go with some problem but end up diaognise for something else. We have personally experienced with a hospital in our area that advice patient to get admitted even when we went to seek consultation for viral fever.

Today there is a lot of buzz about ChatGPT and I have been using it for several things. Quite often, found accurate and useful information. This morning, I decided to ask ChatGPT several questions related to health and one of them is “How to identify if a doctor is providing a genuine advice?” It returned several things like considering experience, checking credentials, seeking second opinion etc., but it has also suggested a couple of interesting things:

  1. Trust and rapport: Evaluate the doctor’s communication style and attentiveness. A good doctor should actively listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and involve you in the decision-making process. They should prioritize your well-being and make you feel comfortable discussing sensitive topics.
  2. Evidence-based practice: A reliable doctor follows evidence-based medicine, which means they base their recommendations on scientific research, clinical guidelines, and proven therapies. They should be up-to-date with the latest medical advancements and willing to explain the rationale behind their recommendations.

I completely agree. Trust, rapport and empathy are important factors. Although there are many doctors today who work only for commercial purpose, but I’m glad that there are still many doctors who practice in an ethical way.

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