
+91 6366 778 991 / +91 9482 506558

We have realized that most of the developer community would love to take care of accessibility for their products but often they stuck with several questions and there is probably not much of possibilities to seek help except a few mailing lists. Through our Help Desk, we are introducing a channel for developers and anyone who would have any questions related to accessibility.

How it works

You can send us your questions to support(dot) and you will hear from us within 24 hours. Once your query is resolved, the question and response will be archived in Accessibility Knowledge base. We respect your privacy and your name or/and contact information shall not be shared or published.

In order to save your time, we encourage you to review Accessibility Knowledge base page before sending us a question.

Please note that we will try address your questions as fast as we can and to best of our knowledge. There is no guarantee the solution we provide you will be the best and we welcome all feedback for better quality.

Remember the email address to send questions is support(at)serveominclusion(dot)com

We are working on to automate this process but it would take sometime.