Category: Events

  • Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2017 – events in India

    With successful 5 years of Global Accessibility Awareness Day, this year it will be marked on May 18th. Objective of Global Accessibility Awareness Day is to raise awareness among community to as much as we can. It need not be in a big way but it is measured in the form of impact created. In…

  • Radio Udaan Convention 2017 – a great meet-up to raise awareness and network among people with disabilities

    On 28th January, 2017, I have attended 3rd convention of Radio Udaan at Hyderabad. Thanks to Sri Jain Sangh (of course the efforts of our dear good friend Meenal Singhvi and her family) for hosting the convention. As usual, Ministers who have committed to attend inaugural session of the convention did not turn up but…

  • Greetings on the occasion of National Youth Day – birthday of Swami Vivekananda

    You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul. -Swami Vivekananda Absolutely true. Guru, parents or anyone can only guide a person to the right direction but it’s only responsibility of an individual to grab right knowledge, set…

  • India’s 70th Independence Day

    Greetings to fellow citizens of India on the eve of 70th Independence Day! It’s highly inspiring to see celebrations have already started across the country and especially on social media! I still remember the enthusiasm we used to have during our childhood towards independence day. Celebration planning used to begin at least a week before.…

  • July 1, National Doctors Day

    I felt extremely happy when I saw a tweet from Ms. Kiran Mazundar Shaw wishing on the occasion of National Doctors Day and my heart prompted me to pen a few lines remembering doctors who help us and a few additional thoughts. Firstly, a warm love and greetings to all doctors around the world; you…

  • June 21, International Yoga Day

    Yoga is a physical, mental and spirtual practice attribute mostly to India. Shri. Narendra Modi in his United Nations address suggested 21st June be observed as International Yoga Day. Reason for 21st June is that it’s a longest day of the year and shares special significance in many parts of the world. “Yoga is an…

  • “College to Corporate” – a workshop in Chennai by The Indian Association for the Blind

    I wish this sort of workshops are conducted in the mainstream as well. Today, we see many students with a great score in college and excellent knowledge in theory but often we find lack of communication, right attitude in candidates. That’s a partial reason why some students find it difficult to find a job. Spotted…

  • #TS16: Techshare India Trip – Final day

    Thanks to hotel staff for a wake up call; else I’m not sure how much I would have slept!! Day started with a productive conversation with Glenda Sims then proceeded to conference hall where Glenda and I have presented. Ironically, first session in that room got cancelled as speaker could not make it that gave…

  • #TS16 – Techshare India 2016 trip – Day 2

    Day started by visiting His Holiness Shri. Shirdi Sai Baba Mandir at Lodhi Road. Had a very auspicious darshan. Then went to Andhra Bhawan to grab a bit of breakfast but the maintenance of the canteen is very poor. Reached The India Habitat Centre (venue of Techshare India 2016), whole venue is filled with festive…

  • #TS16 – Techshare India 2016 Trip Update – Got in!

    Ah, the day began at 6 am! starting to office. Reached office by 8:00 am and wonderful conversations got started immediately with lovely Glenda Sims. (Glenda, glad you love Indian food!). Reached Hyderabad airport by 1:00 pm. As always, the most efficient and affectionate Indigo staff welcomed and got our boarding passes as per our…