Category: General

  • Thank you note on the occasion of Global Accessibility Awareness Day

    On the eve of Global Accessibility Awareness Day, I would like to thank a few individuals and organizations who have helped and supported me to grow myself in the area of accessibility. Thank you The National Association for the Blind, Karnataka Branch, a place where I started thinking about web accessibility. It all began when…

  • India is driving towards inclusion… STOP discrimination

    On public mailing lists and social media, I have recently came across a few incidents of discrimination of people with disabilities that prompted me to write this post. First one is about Punjab National Bank, who is troubling a potential customer who happens to be blind to open a Bank account. In spite showing Circular…

  • Should I disclose my disability in resume? – my prospective

    One of the thread taling about if a candidate should or should not mention their disability while writing resume?. Thought I would put my prospective here so that it may be helpful to many more. While I agree with my friend Sameer that it’s important to disclose disability to employer, my take is that it…

  • Vibrating watch

    For a long time, there were Braille Watches and Talking watches to help people with vision impairment to know the time. Talking watches were also helpful to everyone to know the time in dark specially when people are traveling in the bus. Now, it’s amazing to hear about Vibrating watch for visually impaired by Alexandra…

  • Low vision users – limitations and positivity

    Disclaimer: This is ABSOLUTELY my personal opinion and views expressed here are entirely of my own and with experience of being user with low vision. By no means this post is to offend anyone but to raise awareness about people with low vision. I often see posts in some public forums where members complain about…

  • Tribute to Louis Braille on his birthday

    January 4th is birth anniversary of Louis Braille. Louis was born in the year 1809. Blinded in both eyes as a result of a childhood accident. But he has accepted his disability and adopted the the life with blindness. That attitude not only gave him a successful life but also became inspiration to the society.…

  • 2015 Year in Review

    January: Started year by joining as contract employee at Google through HCL Technologies where I have directly worked with YouTube and oversee a few other projects including Hangouts. January also saw much awaited wedding of our Uncle Shri. Dattatreya Sharma and we have welcomed our aunt Smt. Vasundara to our family. Next in the same…

  • Indian Railways launches Portal to register and track complaints and suggestions

    It was always a difficult task to report a suggestion or complaint to Indian Railways as there would be no personnel available in time during journey and quite often we forget about it when we get off from the train. We feel who would go all the way to station master and report. If passenger…

  • International Day of Persons with Disabilities – what's happening in India?

    We recently posted about Theme for this year’s International Day of Persons with Disabilities. As we are gearing up to mark the occasion tomorrow, here is a quick list of a few events that are happening in India. Mr. Narendra Modi, The Prime Minister of India will be officially launching Accessible India Campaign and giving…

  • Inclusion matters: access and empowerment for people of all abilities – theme of International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2015

    The United Nations has announced this years theme as Inclusion matters: access and empowerment for people of all abilities. This is certainly an area that we all care about and work for. Background on International Day of persons with disabilities he International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) has been commemorated since 1992 to promote…