Indian Railways launches Portal to register and track complaints and suggestions

It was always a difficult task to report a suggestion or complaint to Indian Railways as there would be no personnel available in time during journey and quite often we forget about it when we get off from the train. We feel who would go all the way to station master and report. If passenger is a person with disability, it is far more difficult to find the office of concerned authorities. I have situations in the past where even if we go to a station Master, either they say, “OK, we will take care of it” or “What is the proof do you have” or there would be also be personnel who instead start argue with you and ignore your concern.

Indian Railways has recently launched SMS and Web Complaints and Suggestions Portal. This is certainly a welcome move and make lives of citizens easy.

Features of the portal

  1. Register a complaint / Suggestion – here you can select type of complaint / suggestion such as Allotment of seats by Staff, cleanliness of station etc.,
  2. Track web based complaint / suggestion
  3. Track SMS based complaints

And it appears like nowadays there is a seriousness for passenger complaints and I see Ministry of Railways and officials of different railway zones are active on social media.

Flip side is that sadly this portal is not accessible as per Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 and I’m going to write a review soon.

Thank you Railways for introducing innovative ways to connect with the department and I do hope these services remain efficient.


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