Category: General

  • My message on the eve of 71st Independence Day of India

    Good morning! Ah, it is 71 years that we got freedom in India. What we need to remember is that this celebration is not about singing national songs, sharing picture of national flag on social media… we should all contribute towards growth of our country. If each of us perform our duties with sincerity, that…

  • Update: GST on Disability related aids and appliances – still need some rollback

    Due to energetic and continued efforts put in by disability activists and others across the country, there has been some progress. Here is a quick updated shared by Mr. Javed Abidi of NCPEDP. Based on the 16th GST Council meeting, the rates have now been revised and are as follows: Braille Typewriters – 5% Braille…

  • GST affects lives of people with disabilities

    Government of India is almost set to roll out Goods and Services Tax. Goods and Services Tax (GST) is an indirect tax throughout India to replace taxes levied by the central and state governments. It was introduced as The Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty Second Amendment) Act 2017, following the passage of Constitution 122nd Amendment…

  • Radio Udaan Convention 2017 – a great meet-up to raise awareness and network among people with disabilities

    On 28th January, 2017, I have attended 3rd convention of Radio Udaan at Hyderabad. Thanks to Sri Jain Sangh (of course the efforts of our dear good friend Meenal Singhvi and her family) for hosting the convention. As usual, Ministers who have committed to attend inaugural session of the convention did not turn up but…

  • Bhogi, Sankranti and Kanuma greetings

    Bhogi, Makara Sankranthi, Kanuma and Mukkanuma are celebrated as biggest and one of the auspicious festivals in Andhra Pradesh. In fact, celebrations of this festival begins a month before and that is called Dhanur Masam. Bhogi is the first day of this four day pongal festival. Normally it comes on 13th day of January; but…

  • 2016 Year in Review

    2016 was a year with mixed feelings. Year started on a good note that our cousin Ramya (Daughter of Hema’s uncle) delivered a baby boy Hanish. We went to visit our grand mother at Injaram – lucky that we did that and then Hema and Varshi stayed back at Tanuku. We have decided to move…

  • 2016 Year in Review

    Though it was a year with mixed feelings for me personally, from accessibility prospective, it was a fabulous year. A quick recap of 2016: In January, I have presented to members of Accessibility in India Community Group of W3C on Creating Accessible Forms In March, attended Techshare India 2016 and had an opportunity to speak…

  • Thank you 10,000+ Visitors in 2016

    Through 2016, I felt encouraging to write posts for none other reason but visitor statistics that I’m seeing on my Site Statistics. A big thank you all my 10,000+ visitors who have visited my website in 2016. Thank you for your love and I promise to continue writing in 2017. Here is a quick view…

  • Making financial planning for future

    With growing expenses, it’s important we make as much savings as possible for the future; at the same time, we should ensure our current life is smooth and we do not need to sacrifice for usual needs. I am not an expert in this area but here are few things I’m practicing myself. Savings for…

  • My one month of cashless life!

    After announcement of demonetization in India on 8th November, 2016 by The Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi, people were rushed to banks for exchanging old currency of 500 INR and 1000 INR. Due to non-availability of new currency notes, banks had to create their own rules in each branch thus there was some inconvenience to…