#GAAD2019Series: 5things to get started with Accessibility
It’s that time of the year again when world celebrates the momentum of accessibility by observing Global Accessibility Awareness Day curated by Jennison and Joe back in 2012. It’s encouraging to see a lot of in-person and virtual events have been already planned. This year, I will be posting a few things that enable people…
Unable to cast vote due to fault of an inefficient local officer
We have recently moved into a new apartment complex. Last month a Block Liaison Officer has approached us saying he would get our names included in the Electoral Roll. Since he is a government employee, we thought it would be safe and work may happen faster instead of submitting online. We have given all required…
Experience with eDrafter.in
Recently we were in need of drafting a rental agreement and I wanted to take a chance and explore online services and that’s when I came across eDrafter. Firstly, it’s a simple application and all one needs to provide is primary details like parties who are making the agreement, details of agreement like if it…
World Braille Day
Although it has always been observed as World Braille Day on 4th January, this year, it got true recognition as The United Nations has declared 4th January as International Braille Day. World Braille Day is celebrated every year on January 4th because it is Louis Braille’s birthday, the inventor of braille! Louis was born in…
Happy 2019
Dear Readers, Wishing you all a very happy 2019. May this new year brings a lot of love, happiness, success and joy! Through this new year, let’s live with more accountability and responsibility. May us all contribute to make our community a better place to live. Let’s remember that we are creators of future of…
2019 Road ahead…
Wishing you all a very happy and prosperous 2019. As always, I do hope new year brings in a lot of hope, good luck and success. In 2019, I’m looking forward to co-host Bangalore Accessibility and Inclusive Design meet-up on every alternate month. Also, expand meet-up to at least one more place in India. Those…
Thank you 35,786 visitors in 2018
What a great year! Thank you visitors for showing love on my writings. With this 35,786 views in 2018, my views have reached more than 82,000 and great to see I’m nearing 1 Lakh views. Here is a chart that shows views by month in 2018. Wow, it’s far more easy to insert a chart…
Christmas greetings
Dear friends those who celebrate Christmas, wishing you a marry Christmas. This is a festival of love and known to be festival to share gifts. It’s great to see many colleagues at work are celebrating secret Santa and sharing gifts to one another. May you all be blessed and have a fabulous festival. This will…
Year in Review 2018
2018 has began where we started using videos as a medium of video to send greetings. We have started with a video message on the occasion of new year and birth anniversary of Louis Braille. During January, 2018 – Inclusive STEM in partnership with International Association of Information Technology has hosted Inclusive STEM Hack-a-than. It…
NVDA 2018.4 is now available
Wow, NV Access is such a committed organization that I have never seen them missing a release nor compromising quality in a release. NV Access has just announced release of Non Visual Desktop Access (NVDA) 2018.4. NVDA is a free and open source screen reading software that enable people with vision impairment to have access…