Wishing you all a very happy and prosperous 2019. As always, I do hope new year brings in a lot of hope, good luck and success.
In 2019, I’m looking forward to co-host Bangalore Accessibility and Inclusive Design meet-up on every alternate month. Also, expand meet-up to at least one more place in India. Those of you would like to join hands and make this happen, do please reach out.
Next I would like to educate at least 12 (one in a month) non-profit organizations to understand the need of accessibility and how they could play a role from advocacy prospective.
Further I would like to share accessibility knowledge with at least 60 new developers to ensure they include accessibility as part of their development.
I would encourage each of you to spread accessibility love with a few people and together we could make a huge impact.
Good luck for 2019.
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