Author: Srinivasu Chakravarthula

  • Thank you Watermark for recognizing Accessibility

    One of the best things about working in the field of accessibility is that one doesn’t have to seek recognition. Just do the work to your best and recognition comes automatically. I’m honored to be one of the recepients of 2021 Award of Excellence at Watermark Insights LLC. This is one of the highest and…

  • My grand mother (mother’s mother) has left to heavenly abode

    She was one who I always go to when I need an advice on traditional activities at home; She was one of my favorite persons from my childhood; She was one who I have seen someone always doing for others but not getting things done for her; She was one who got me popcorn in…

  • #GAAD2021 – 10th Global Accessibility Awareness Day

    #GAAD2021 – 10th Global Accessibility Awareness Day

    If it was pre-covid time, it’s a moment for a grand celebration across the world. This year marks 10th anniversary for Global Accessibility Awareness Day founded by Jennison and Joe Devon. GAAD came into existence to promote accessibility in simple ways to people around the world. Idea of Jennison and Joe has been quickly adopted…

  • Republic Day wishes 2021

    Greetings to everyone on the auspicious occasion of 72nd Republic Day of India. As we know that constitution of India came into effect on 26th January, 1950. It’s important we play our bit to ensure our constitution is well respected and rightly implemented. We should ensure our next generation takes us an inspiration. What we…

  • Accessibility Check: updated website – Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Government of India

    We have noticed Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Government of India has re-designed their website and we took a quick look from accessibility prospective. Compare to the earlier website, new website has a better look, more usable. However, considering department itself work in the area of people with disabilities, it’s important, their website…

  • 1 year at Watermark

    November 4th, 2020 marks my first work anniversary as a Senior Accessibility Program Manager at Watermark Insights. This is one of those places I thoroughly enjoying my work in the area of accessibility. At Watermark, accessibility is not seen just as a check list item or legal requirement; for us, accessibility is a way to…

  • #BESCOM make CAPTCHA accessible

    Like many websites, Bangalore Electricity Supply Company (BESCOM) uses CAPTCHA to secure portal from fraudulent attempts. BESCOM uses CAPTCHA at several places including: New user registration Forgot the user ID Online Payment landing page CAPTCHA implemented currently is a image based combination of alphabets and numbers. However, there is not alternate mechanism to aid users…

  • White Cane enables people with vision impairment to walk independently, but what causes problem?

    15th October is celebrated as International White Cane Safety Awareness Day. White Cane enable users with vision impairment to walk independently. It offers indication if there are any obstacles in front of them. There ae traditional white canes which comes in variety of models such as long cane, folding cane, cane that comes with a…

  • Life needs to be balanced; why?

    No matter what stage we reach, we need to learn to adopt to live in any situation. A small story. Once upon a time, a wise man passes away, dhootas from Swargam will appear and appreciate all the great work he has done in life and they have come to welcome him to Swargam. Then…

  • When to perform Bhagavannama Smarana?

    Starting today, I post small notes about devotion, tradition and culture! Often we think about what is the best time to think of god and perform Bhagavannama Smarana. We need to schedule a day and time, if we decide to perform with public visibility and follow all the rules described in spiritual literature. But within…