Tag: Google

  • One week of life with Android

    Ah, it’s already one week. Summary is no regrets so far! Yes, it’s already a week that I started using Android. Got a nice back cover from Amazon.in at a offer price of 329 INR but pretty cool in black and blue colour. My initial problem of using SwiftKey keyboard and switched to Apple keyboard.…

  • Chrome Extensions to improve browsing experience

    Chrome Extensions to improve browsing experience

    I was looking out for how Google Chrome can be used efficiently and during my search, came across interesting extensions to improve experience of browsing on Google Chrome. These extensions can be found on Chrome Extensions Web Store. Some of the extensions are: High Contrast: Change or revert colour schemes to make the page easy to…

  • @hcltech – I didn’t feel good experience with you

    I usually don’t like writing in public and as far as possible, would like to resolve problems directly with organizations and always love to retain relationships with my past employers. Unfortunately my experience with HCL Technologies Ltd is bitter. This is certainly a choice that I regret in my career life. I think others may…

  • Accessibility is not just for blind, agreed… but we don’t have to blame!

    When Google announced it’s course on Introduction to Web Accessibility for developers, I keep seeing tweets saying “Hey Google! Accessibility is not just for blind” etc., and I thought I should write my opinion here Please note that this blog is my personal and views expressed here are my own and does not represent my…

  • Top Accessibility resources

    Some of the links in the post may not be relevant today; we are maintaining a list accessibility resources on this website. Each section is listed a menu item. We expect user to login to view this content so that we know our users and be able to improve quality of our content. Please be…