Thank you 10,000+ Visitors in 2016
Through 2016, I felt encouraging to write posts for none other reason but visitor statistics that I’m seeing on my Site Statistics. A big thank you all my 10,000+ visitors who have visited my website in 2016. Thank you for your love and I promise to continue writing in 2017. Here is a quick view…
Making financial planning for future
With growing expenses, it’s important we make as much savings as possible for the future; at the same time, we should ensure our current life is smooth and we do not need to sacrifice for usual needs. I am not an expert in this area but here are few things I’m practicing myself. Savings for…
My one month of cashless life!
After announcement of demonetization in India on 8th November, 2016 by The Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi, people were rushed to banks for exchanging old currency of 500 INR and 1000 INR. Due to non-availability of new currency notes, banks had to create their own rules in each branch thus there was some inconvenience to…
This morning update and thoughts on bank, citizens and restuarents
A while ago, I was walking in our area and as expected, there are huge queues to exchange / deposit / draw money from banks. We have 4 banks on Kaggadasapura Main road (SBI, Andhra Bank, Canara Bank and Karnataka Bank) and situation is same at all banks. At the same time, I saw 3…
Updates… CSUN, NAB Karnataka Elections, Indian currency, US elections etc.,
I’m excited that my submission titled “Accessibility Strategy for Existing, on-going and future digital products” has been accepted to present at 32nd CSUN Assistive Technology Conference to be held during March, 2017 at San Diego, USA. Though I am not yet sure if I would be ravelling for this conference due to budget limitations. Finally…
WhatsApp Web interface – easier to use than on mobile
I may look like someone who thinks a bit backward; but Off late, I prefer using WhatsApp and Twitter on the web than using mobile device. I usually use these platforms for sharing information ond answering questions from my followers / groups on WhatsApp. Often, it requires me to do a bit research, refer a…
Some challenges faced by people with low vision
I happened to be a person with low vision and see some situations challenging if not impossible. Feel free to comment if you have observed any other challenges or have solutions for some of these. I’m also writing solutions that I usually practice or something I think of. Be informed that my solutions my not…
An inspiring story – lesson to a beautiful lady
Received below an inspiration story on one of my WhatsApp groups. This story was shared in Telugu hence a translation is given. ???????????? ???????? ????? , ??????? ???? ?????????? ?? ?????? ????????????? ?????????? ?? ???? ???? ????????????. ????? ?????? ???? ?? ??????? ?????? ?? ???? ????????? ????, ???? ??????? ????????????? ????????????…….!!! ? “?????? ?????? “?????…
Memories with Yahoo both as an user and as an ex-employee
It’s again proved that any business go down; no matter how big or how historical they are. The company that has introduced internet to the world,Yahoo! has last night announced that Verizon to acquire Yahoo!’s operating business for about $4.8bn. Some of my memories with Yahoo! My first email address was vasu182000@yahoo.com which I have…
Government helplines are proactive
Earlier when there is some problem with utilities like electricity or water and someone calls up the available helpline or department phone number, the response was either rude or a word like “we will look into”; but now things are changed. Helplines are more proactive. Some of my recent experiences in Bangalore. A month ago,…