Be cautious about cab booking service on

Yesterday, we have made a cab booking for airport transfer using MakeMyTrip app and we have received car details via text message and WhatsApp. A driver has arrived about 30 minutes earlier than scheduled; we felt happy for being punctual.

After a few minutes, got a call from different number asking us to WhatsApp the OTP received once the trip get started. I refused to do so and told him, OTP can be only shared with drive.

When we went down, we have realised there is no car with the number mentioned on the message sent to us. We have called the driver who called us before (assuming he has called from a different number than what has sent to us) and he said he is standing just infront of us but the car number is different that what we have got in the text message. Since we have a flight, we had to take a risk and board the cab; thankfully he has dropped safely.

After a while, I called’s customer service and explained the incident; to my surprise, they were pretty casual and told me that such incidents could happen when a driver deny the trip at last minute and vendor can assign another car but need not update in the sytem. How would customer know the authenticity? How safe is this process? when I started asking these questions, I got a usual response, “we will look into the matter and get back to you within 24-48 hours”. Also, even after an hour of our trip, MakeMyTrip did not have the information about who has fulfilled the trip.

Lesson that we have learnt from this is ensure there is more than required time for airport transfers; when car number does not match with the number received in the app, do not board the cab but make an alternate arrangement. Make the vendor accountable and report incident to plice.


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