Today I have participated in 5K Inclusive Walk-a-than in Bangalore. It has been an incredible experience. Very well organized.
It’s great to see a huge number of participants before 6am on a Sunday morning. Event started with warm-up exercises and they were interpreted in sign-language, buddies are requested to assist people with vision impairment. Then buddies were explained a few tips as to how they can assist people with disabilities. Sighted participants were given an option if they would like to walk with a blind fold. Many participants have opted to experience this.
On my way, I have met a pair of participants from ANZ – Devang and Anil while Anil has a blindfold. He has walked for all 5 kilometers with blindfold. We had a great conversation.
Overall it has been a fantastic event. Great to see very young child as young as 4 years have also participated and noticed a 8 year girl was volunteering. Volunteers were awesome. Nice to meet some of my good friends.
Look forward to attending India Inclusion Summit in 2018.
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