Greetings on the eve of Birth anniversary of Louis Braille and best wishes for 2018

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Good morning, Firstly, Wishing you all a very happy 2018. I would also extend warm wishes on the birth anniversary of Louis Braille; inventor of Braille Script. Louis Braille lost his eye sight in his child hood while he was playing with his father’s tools. He was inspired by the script used by Military that can be read in the dark and based on 12 raised dots. He has reduced dots to 6 and invented script that is used today be people with blindness.

Where there is so much advancement in the area of technology, it’s recommended that Braille is introduced to children at young age so that they acquire good skills of spelling etc., One can learn spellings only by means of reading or writing and not really by way of listening. But yes, Braille should be taught along with the technology. Because technology plays equally a critical role to make lives of people with disabilities independent.

In 2018, let’s hope to make digital world more accessible.

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