Tag: Louis Braille

  • Greetings on the eve of Birth anniversary of Louis Braille and best wishes for 2018

    Text version is available below the video. Good morning, Firstly, Wishing you all a very happy 2018. I would also extend warm wishes on the birth anniversary of Louis Braille; inventor of Braille Script. Louis Braille lost his eye sight in his child hood while he was playing with his father’s tools. He was inspired…

  • Tribute to Louis Braille on his birthday

    January 4th is birth anniversary of Louis Braille. Louis was born in the year 1809. Blinded in both eyes as a result of a childhood accident. But he has accepted his disability and adopted the the life with blindness. That attitude not only gave him a successful life but also became inspiration to the society.…

  • Braille is still relevant – a Tribute to Louis Braille

    4th January is birthday of Mr. Louis Braille (1809 – 1852). He is the inventor of script Braille – a written script for people with vision impairment and those who are deaf and blind. Though there is so much advancement in Technology, still Braille plays a key role in the lives of people with vision…

  • World Braille Day – three cheers to Louis Braille!

    January 4th is the Birth Anniversary of Louis Braille! Louis Braille is the inventor of written script for visually impaired. Watch this video! See a Video to learn more about Louis Braille Do you want to learn Braille? See this resource