Karnataka Rajyotsava 2023

Karnataka Rajyotsava 2023

November 1st every year is observed as state formation day of Karnataka (Rajyotsava). This day is observed with a series of meaningful activities to showcase culture of the state.

In the apartment we live in, we are observing with a great enthusiasm. In the morning, we will have flag hoisting with Rachel Shetty, as our Chief Guest followed by a classical dance performance by Mrs. Vasundhara.

Then we have a blood donation camp in association with Rotary Club of Bangalore, Kalyan and Red Cross Society. This camp has happened last year as well and we have received a great response. This time, we have also opened up for people outside of our apartment too.

Towards evening, we have a series of cultural events with food stalls from North Karnataka style vendors. Overall, it’s going to be a great celebration tomorrow.

It’s not just about celebrating and having fun, the day itself has a its significance and it’s our moral responshbility to respect and celebrate the culture of state that we live in.

Wishing everyone a happy Karnataka Rajyotsava.

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