Bharath (India) at 76 – what are my wishes for this year?

Map of Bharat - 15th August Independence day

Firstly, greetings to all my fellow citizens of India on the auspecious occasion of India Independence day. It’s great to see many wonderful activities are taking place across the country.

I had a privilage to attend Independence Day Celebrations at our Apartment and Lourds English Medium School along with fellow rotarians. It has been wonderful to see a great participation. However, it’s not just about celebrating this just for one day and then rest the memories to album; instead we should respect our country everyday and ensure we are active participants for our country’s development.

We should live with responsibility and accountability. Whatever we do, we should ensure perfection and we should be doing right thing. We don’t have do something that others like, but whatever we should it’s should be right thing.

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