Last three weeks have been crazy and a lots of new developments in life. Some are good and some are not so good; but life will have mix of things and we just need to accept whatever comes into our way…
Positive things first… During 3rd week of October, I have attended Empower 2019 – Assistive Technology conference hosted by IIT Delhi. This has grown big and improved. Thought it was second time of this conference but learnt that it was actually 4th one in the row and first two were hosted in the IIT Delhi Campus itself. Great products were showcased by many organizations including Mega Voice and Tectopus. We have bought a few products to include at the experience centre at The NAB Karnataka Branch. It was great to have met many friends.
From Delhi, I have travelled to Chandigarh to finish paperwork with my new employer Watermark. Yes, after close to 4 years of wonderful time, I have decided to move on from Informatica; only reason to join Watermark is the kind of products they make in the space of education and accessibility of such products will have a huge impact and benefit many customers. I am looking forward to this exciting new journey.
During my stay at Chandigarh, I have noticed a lot of watering from my left eye and for a day I thought it’s due to climate change etc., but on second day when it has increased, I have visited Amcare hospital and they detected that there is a lot of infection in the eye and must have been there for sometime; given medication and advised me to consult with optholomologist after I reach Bangalore.On my arrival to Bangalore, I have visited Manipal Hospital. They have detected that an implant that was inserted during a surgery in my childhood now got infected and they need to remove the same. On 26th November surgery took place and went well; unfortunately, during this process, I have been diagnosed with diabetes and put on medication. Few decisions I have made last week is take all the steps that are needed to minimize diabetes and not to take any stress. Just ignore people who creates stress to me.
I have missed this year’s Intuit’s Accessibility Summit but it was great to meet Ted Drake.
Looking forward to working on healthy life and get to my new job.
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