Uber India launches UberAccess and UberAssist in partnership with MphasiS

Uber India launches UberAccess and UberAssist in partnership with MphasiS

October seem to be a month for service providers to think of making their services accessible to people with disabilities. Earlier this week, we have witnessed launch of Shopping Assist program by Big Bazar and today, Uber India has launched UberAccess and UberAssist initiatives at Bengaluru, India in partnership with MphasiS. Some details:

Mphasis Corporate Social Responsibility and Uber initiative aims to provide convenient, reliable and
affordable rides for senior citizens and people with accessibility needs
• uberACCESS, an Asia-first launch for Uber in Bengaluru offers 50 retrofitted vehicles, sponsored by
Mphasis, with heightened roof and hydraulic wheelchair lift on-demand
• uberASSIST, a fleet of 500 vehicles are designed to provide additional assistance to senior citizens and
people with accessibility needs
• All uberACCESS and uberASSIST driver partners have been trained and certified by Diversity and Equal
Opportunity Centre (DEOC)

This would surely be helpful and make travel more convenient to people with disabilities and others who need a bit of assistance. We hope eventually UberAssist becomes a natural and default component of all partner drivers.

Read more details about this initiative (PDF)

It’s worth mentioning that MphasiS has been an organization that support and promoted several inclusion projects such as this. In fact, MphasiS has promoted KickStart Cabs that happened to be first accessible taxi service in India a few years ago.

Way to go!

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