W3C's WAI Calls for Review of Web Accessibility Perspectives videos

We all know it’s challenging to raise awareness about accessibility. Some people get inspired and covert but many still resist keeping myths in mind. As it’s is known that injecting myth is far more easier than injecting truth and reality.

Education and Outreach Working Group of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has recently put together a few wonderful videos on Web Accessibility Perspectives. Videos are precise, simple to understand, accessible and captioned.

Each resource page has Video, information about the feature, who depends on the feature, additional benefits, what needs to happen for feature to work, related links including accessibility principle, getting started tutorial, easy check, user story, Success Criteria of WCAG 2.0, User story and a tutorial.

This would be perfect resource to use during your event on the occasion of Global Accessibility Awareness Day.

Below are the list of videos available:

Should you wish to help improving this resource may write to publicly archived list at wai-eo-editors[at]w3[dot]org or Create a issue on Github (requires GitHub account

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