
Global Accessibility Awareness Day – May 15th – some ideas to host!

Last year and year before, Global Accessibility Awareness Day was marked across the world and it was a huge success. Let’s get ready to mark this important day this year too! This is one event where you don’t have to worry about the size of event, may it be small or big; that’s fine. Here are some ideas and I’m sure you would have more ideas too! Would suggest do the below exercises on the websites you frequently use or on your own products.

  • Go mouse-less: Just for about half an hour to one hour, whatever you do on internet, do it by unplugging the mouse. This will give you understand about how users with limited hand movement will surf the internet.
  • Go screen-less: If you are using Windows PC, download & install NVDA Screen reader and turn off your monitor. This will give you an understanding of how users with vision impairment surf the internet. If you are a Mac user, just press CMD+F5 and this will turn ON Mac’s in-built VoiceOver screen reader. You can do this on your mobile / tablet too. For iOS, VoiceOver is the screen reader and for Android, TalkBack is the screen reader
  • Turn-off Audio: Watch a video or movie by turning off audio and this will give you an understanding about how people with hearing impairment miss out on entertainment / information when videos or movies does not have captions

Now some ideas how you can mark this auspicious event!

  • Gather your colleagues / friends and encore them to do above exercises
  • If you are a web developer, spend this day to fix only accessibility issues; at least a few hours
  • Create a road map to ensure accessibility of your product
  • Identify accessibility on the portals that you use often and report them to concerned team
  • Imagine you are a team of 100 developers and each one fix 5 accessibility issues, 500 issues are closed, what an impact!
  • Organize a sensitization talk to your employees

These are some ideas and you can do more. No matter big or small. You desire to mark this great day, but need help? do write to us at info(at)sgaccessibility(dot)com and we will help you!

Happy planning and we will write back another post after the event and would be happy to include any event that takes place at your place. Good luck.

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