• Accessibility Courses and Certifications

    It’s good to see there is increased interest to pursue career in the area of accessibility. There are also growing opportunities. It’s important to have more people with accessibility knowledge so that more products become accessible. Now that many things including education are going virtual, it’s important that supporting technology is accessible. Here is a…

  • Accessibility Review: IRCTC Next Generation Ticketing System portal

    IRCTC (Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation) has recently revamped it’s portal and good news is that users do not require to login to check availability of tickets, search trains etc., Here is a quick review from accessibility prospective. As the site loads, a banner appears talking about 48 months of NDA government but keyboard focus…

  • WCAG 2.1 is now a proposed recommendation

    Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 has become a proposed recommendation a while ago. This is possibly a last step before a standard becomes W3C recommendation. In short, this process is to confirm if required corrections are made. Here is what it means in the words of W3C. 7.6.4 Call for Review of Proposed Corrections Document…

  • Missing alternate text: GAAD count down!

    To celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day, we will posting about common accessibility issues each day from today. Objective of this initiative is to let product owners know about how they are creating barriers to their users and how they can fix them. Let’s see how we could impact the world for this 6th edition of Global…

  • Updated Web Accessibility Checklist – Perceivable

    Back in 2010, we have published a Quick Web Accessibility Checklist that received a good response and we have also received a good feedback. It’s true that users prefer to have a quick checklist along with large documentation to achieve their accessibility mission. So we are bringing you this updated Web Accessibility Checklist reflecting success criterions of…

  • How to add alternate text to images?

    How to add alternate text to images?

    Authors note: This is a re-published post due to an unavoidable technical issue. In continuation to our post <alt> Campaign: Let’s make images on the web accessible, here are a few tips on how to add alternate text on different platforms. In all platforms, ensure that your alternate text is meaningful. Add alternate text in…

  • <alt> Campaign: Let’s make images on the web accessible

    Authors note: This is re-published post due to an unavoidable technical issue. A picture speaks several words. Use of images over the internet is increasing everyday. It’s essential they are make accessible to all users and technologies. Benefits of making images accessible are: Information conveyed through images is made available to blind and visually impaired…

  • Colours with Good Contrast – Accessibility Tips

    Today colours play a big role in design. It’s important to ensure that there is sufficient contrast between foreground and background. For regular text, there should be minimum ratio of 4.5:1. Be especially careful while dealing with light color shades of gray, orange and yellow WCAG Success Criteria: 1.4.3 Contrast (minimum) Level AA Understanding 1.4.3…

  • Heading Structure – Accessibility Tips

    Right heading structure improves user experience and provide easy access to content. It’s essential to mark up using real HTML heading mark-up and not just styling as headings. Often times some developers make text bold, increase font size for headings instead using real HTML mark-up. Why is it essential to use real heading mark-up? When…

  • WordPress goes WCAG – a big achievement

    Yes, this is big achievement for a content management software to be WCAG complaint! We love Word Press for several years now and one of the main reasons for that is its ease of use. Now we love it more because now WordPress goes WCAG; thanks to the dedicated efforts by wonderful Accessibility team at…