Tag: accessibility

  • Top Accessibility resources

    Some of the links in the post may not be relevant today; we are maintaining a list accessibility resources on this website. Each section is listed a menu item. We expect user to login to view this content so that we know our users and be able to improve quality of our content. Please be…

  • Online Banking Exam and need of a scribe?

    Today, I saw a posting on one of the mailing lists in India requesting for a scribe to write an examination for visually impaired. There’s no surprise in it, but what made me to feel surprised is that the candidates has to appear a bank examination conducted online!! If the examination is conducted online, why…

  • How would I want to see disability organizations in India? – a personal prospective

    Disclaimer: Views expressed on this post are of my personal and does not reflect views of my employer and do not intend to hurt anyone. Update: Although, still there are many organizations who need to improve way they function, it’s heartening to see there are several organizations that are putting in great efforts in spite…

  • How to send an email using Yahoo! Mail

    Hello All: I have received a few requests that they would like to know how to send an email using Yahoo! Mail using Screen reader and thought let me share with everyone. In the below explanation, I have used Non-Visual Desktop Access (NVDA) as my screen reader; however, they should work in the same with…

  • CSUN 2010

    CSUN 2010 is another great conference in area of accessibility and assistive technologies at San Diego, CA from 22nd March through 27th March, 2010. Be there to meet our Yahoo! team and see our presentations. Also, there would be some surprise waiting for you. Hope to see you there.

  • My experience at Techshare India 2010

    My experience at Techshare India 2010

    Techshare India 2010 was another unique experience and an excellent platform to network, learn and share! I have reached Delhi on 14thFebruary, 2010 (hmm. enjoyed business class flight in spite having economy class flight due to overbooking of the flight!) and visited India Habitat Centre in the evening; it was pleasure to meet whole gang…

  • Techshare India 2010 – An Accessibility Conference and Assistive Technology Exhibition in India for 2nd time!

    Techshare India was organized for the first time in India during February, 2008 by BarrierBreak Technologies in partnership with Royal National Institute of the Blind People and received a fantastic response with around 400 delegates, huge number of visitors saw the assistive technology exhibition. That was beginning of more innovations in India from technology prospective…