Category: Presentations

  • Accessibility – a game changer: Presented at IBM

    Recently I got an opportunity to present as part of Design Thinking series at IBM. Thanks to my good friend Suresh and his colleague Ajay for having invited me. Below is the deck that was presented. Participants were pretty enthusiastic and shown a keen interest to start their journey into accessibility. We have discussed importance…

  • Accessibility of Payments

    This is a talk being presented at 50p Conference on 9th February 2018. Slides Below are the slides and full text will be made available soon. Video Full Text Hello Everyone, My name is Srinivasu, I lead accessibility at Informatica. I’m also Founder of ServeOM Inclusion – a platform to raise awareness about accessibility. I…

  • Accessibility beyond the legal requirement

    On 6th December, 2017 – I have got an opportunity to speak at Thomson Reuters as part of their events on the eve of International Week of People with Disabilities. It was fabulous to see participants from diverse groups. I have talked about how accessibility creates more impact and benefits other than just a checklist…

  • Accessibility of Digital Payments

    This is a presentation have done on the eve of Global Accessibility Awareness Day at PayPal on 18th May 2017. Slides Full Text Full text is work in progress and will be available soon. Apologies – just in midst of too many happenings, couldn’t write full text on time as I usually do. Photos Read…

  • Digital Accessibility – what Non-profit, Corporate and Education sector can do?

    This is a presentation I have made at a panel discussion held on 19th December, 2016 at Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. Slides Full Text Thank you for having me here. Good to see many of my old friends! Firstly, let’s celebrate the passage of The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill; although it’s not…

  • Impact of Inclusive Design

    This is full text of presentation made at UX India on 21st October, 2016. Thank you for having me here and I’m delighted to talk about inclusive design. Thank you UX India organizers for including this topic as part of this conference. To begin with, let me quickly introduce myself. I’m an accessibility evangelist, currently…

  • Enterprise level tools and solutions for Accessibility – WorldSpace, Amaze and Deque University – Presentation at Techshare India 2016

    Disclaimer: This full text is work in progress so some part would be missing. This has been presented by Glenda Sims and Srinivasu Chakravarthula at Techshare India 2016 on 4th March, 2016. Slides are available on Slideshare and also embedded below: Enterprise Level Tools and solutions for Accessibility – WorldSpace, Amaze and Deque University from…

  • Creating Accessible Forms

    Overview This has been presented as 4th Learning Session to the members and guests of W3C Accessibility in India Community Group. Objective of these learning sessions is to raise awareness about accessibility and enhance network of accessibility professionals. Slides Below are the slides presented in the session: Text Transcript Hello everyone, Thank you for joining…