Category: Accessibility News

  • WCAG 2.1 is now a proposed recommendation

    Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 has become a proposed recommendation a while ago. This is possibly a last step before a standard becomes W3C recommendation. In short, this process is to confirm if required corrections are made. Here is what it means in the words of W3C. 7.6.4 Call for Review of Proposed Corrections Document…

  • WCAG 2.1 is now a candid recommendation

    Accessibility Guidelines Working Group of W3C has published WCAG 2.1 as a candid recommendation (CR). Purpose of CR is to ensure that standard can be implemented. Results of this exercise will be made available on WCAG 2.1 Implementation report once it’s completed. Working group plans to complete this by June 2018. What’s new in WCAG…

  • I-STEM hackathon, Blind World Cricket Cup, Ola App, First women… a historic weekend!

    January 20 & 21st 2018 remains historic. Series of amazing things took place in India. To begin with, Inclusive STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) – a forum of a few individuals with disabilities who are graduated / studying at IITs, IIITs etc., have organised an unique hackathon where participants consist of coders of both…

  • Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) Working Group of W3C has finalized several documents.

    The Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group of W3C has finalized following documents: Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.1 Core Accessibility API Mappings 1.1 Digital Publishing WAI-ARIA Module 1.0 Digital Publishing Accessibility API Mappings 1.0 WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices 1.1 is a Working Group Note Below is an excerpt of the announcement from ARIA working group:…

  • Last chance to comment: WCAG 2.1 last public working draft is now available

    The Accessibility Guidelines Working Group of W3C has published last public working draft of WCAG 2.1 and one can send in comments no later than 12th January, 2018. This is a fantastic opportunity for those who are not full time into accessibility but want to spend their holiday / festive session in getting acquitted with…

  • International Day of Persons with Disabilities 3rd December

    3rd December of every year is observed as International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Objective of observing this day is to raise awareness about people with disabilities and bring them to the mainstream. As we are gearing up to mark International Day of Persons with Disabilities, I would like to spend a few minutes and…

  • Accessibility Collection – week of 6th November, 2017

    Accessibility Collection – week of 6th November, 2017

    We have just started a new initiative to post our collection of accessibility related articles and other stuff on a weekly basis. We aim to post this on every Thursday. Nailing Accessibility Designs Uber introduces UberACCESS and UberASSIST to provider better commute services to people with disabilities in partnership with MphasiS South African students create…

  • Uber India launches UberAccess and UberAssist in partnership with MphasiS

    Uber India launches UberAccess and UberAssist in partnership with MphasiS

    October seem to be a month for service providers to think of making their services accessible to people with disabilities. Earlier this week, we have witnessed launch of Shopping Assist program by Big Bazar and today, Uber India has launched UberAccess and UberAssist initiatives at Bengaluru, India in partnership with MphasiS. Some details: Mphasis Corporate…

  • JAWS 2018 has been released by Freedom Scientific

    Authors note: Please note that this is a republished post due to some unavoidable technical issue. Freedom Scientific has just released its popular screen reader software JAWS (Job Access With Speech) version 2018. Here is a quick summary of what’s new in this version. Change in version numbering. Until now, JAWS used to have numbering…

  • Big Bazar launches comfortable shopping experiences to people with disabilities: My experience

    Big Bazar has launched an initiative to provide wonderful shopping experience to people with disabilities and we have just visited to its store in Koramangala, Bangalore. It was an awesome experience and definitely a good beginning to their journey of inclusive shopping experience. Here is our experience. Their assistance program web page has a form where customer…