#RPDAct2016 – norms for physical infrastructure

The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016 (India) is a game changer and aim to eliminate barriers in the lives of people with disabilities. Here is what the act has improve accessibility of physical infrastructure. 

Mandatory observance of accessibility norms
44. (1) No establishment shall be granted permission to build any structure 
if the building plan does not adhere to the rules formulated by the Central 
Government under section 40.

(2) No establishment shall be issued a certificate of completion or allowed 
to take occupation of a building unless it has adhered to the rules 
formulated by the Central Government.

Time limit for making existing infrastructure and premises accessible and 
action for that purpose
45. (1) All existing public buildings shall be made accessible in accordance 
with the rules formulated by the Central Government within a period not 
exceeding five years from the date of notification of such rules:

Provided that the Central Government may grant extension of time to the 
States on a case to case basis for adherence to this provision depending on 
their state of preparedness and other related parameters.

(2) The appropriate Government and the local authorities shall formulate and 
publish an action plan based on prioritisation, for providing accessibility 
in all their buildings and spaces providing essential services such as all 
primary health centres, civil hospitals, schools, railway stations and bus 
Here is the relevant section from RPD Rules, 2017:

15. Rules for Accessibility. — (1) Every establishment shall comply with 
the following standards relating to physical environment, transport and 
information and communication technology, namely:–

(a) standard for public buildings as specified in the Harmonised Guidelines 
and Space Standards for Barrier Free Built Environment for Persons With 
Disabilities and Elderly Persons as issued by the Government of India, 
Ministry of Urban Development in March, 2016;

Thanks to Amiyo Biswas for extracting this specific information on Access India. Let’s spread the word and work towards implementation of RPD Act. 

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