Category: Web Accessibility

  • Page titles, what is that all about?

    This is going to be a quick post, but something very essential. <title> is something that represent your web page and it is indeed helpful specially those who opens multiple websites on different tabs. Page <title> should convey the content of the page and information about the portal. It’s very essential to provide appropriate page…

  • SkipTo plugin by PayPal Accessibility Team – an enhancement to SkipTo links

    Did you remember our post on Skip links – what, why and how?. In that article, we have seen how skip links would benefit users who uses screen readers or keyboard only but wouldn’t it be cool if Skip links actually helps everyone? Thanks to PayPal (External link) for introducing an enhancement to skip to…

  • "alt" – What, Why, How and When?

    Today, we see that web content is increasing with a rocket speed and more often we see non-textual elements on the websites and applications. let’s consider scenarios such as: Due to bandwidth reason, if images are not loaded on to the web page search Engines like Yahoo! Search (External link) or Google (external link) do…

  • Accessibility options and browser accessibility options

    As you may have noticed, some websites specially those are related to news have a tiny text and often difficult to read and more difficult for people with low vision or those elderly. But the argument from the authors is that they would want to accommodate as much information as they can on the page;…

  • Skip links – What, why and how?

    What are Skip links? Skip links is something we don’t see in most of the websites. “Skip links” helps users (especially the keyboard users) to jump directly to a block of content or to an unique area of the page. “Skip links” are used for: Skip to main content Skip to navigation Skip to secondary…

  • Methodologies for Accessibility Eveluation

    Recently I was on a panel discussion organized by The Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs (G3ICT), World Wide Web Consortium and The Centre for Internet and Society at 20th World Wide Web Conference and during the panel we have discussed the various methodologies for Accessibility Evaluation. It was a pleasure to share the panel with…

  • Common mistakes of that a web developers make

    Most developers feel making a website accessible require an additional effort, time consuming and needs to write a lot of additional code; which is actually not very true. But yes, there are certain additional things to be done, but they are most times enhancements. Having said that, most of the efforts that require to make…

  • Writing accessible HTML forms

    We fill a lot of forms on the web on daily basis – may it be for a bank transaction, booking of travel, shopping etc. Often we see forms looks very beautiful but in reality, most of them are not beautiful due to lack of associated labels. Oh! wait, we know, you are about to…

  • A quick Web Accessibility Checklist

    Often we hear people asking how can they check for a website for accessibility and what needs to be checked. Here is a quick checklist and hope this would be handy to someone! Is the link “Skip to main content” exist? Although, there are several other ways to achieve quick navigation by providing heading mark-up,…

  • Top Accessibility resources

    Some of the links in the post may not be relevant today; we are maintaining a list accessibility resources on this website. Each section is listed a menu item. We expect user to login to view this content so that we know our users and be able to improve quality of our content. Please be…