Category: Android

  • App review: 6by6 by BarrierBreak

    This is another innovation in the assistive technology space from India. 6by6 By BarrierBreak has 3 amazing features to assist people with low vision and vision impairment. Here is a review of it’s 3 features and how they could help users. Currency Identifier: In the recent past, In India, Reserve Bank of India has released several…

  • When you see “Google play services being updated” on android apps…

    Recently I was experiencing a strange problem with Uber App on android. Every time I open the app, it displays “Google play services is being updated” and map never shows places. can’t select destination or pick up place. Tried closing the app, rebooted the device – neither helped. Then went to Settings -> Apps ->…

  • One week of life with Android

    Ah, it’s already one week. Summary is no regrets so far! Yes, it’s already a week that I started using Android. Got a nice back cover from at a offer price of 329 INR but pretty cool in black and blue colour. My initial problem of using SwiftKey keyboard and switched to Apple keyboard.…

  • Day 1 experience of switching to Android

    I’ve been using iOS since 2010 (Thanks to Alan Brightman and Victor Tsaran while we were all at Yahoo!) and it has been an amazing experience. Though I’m not a full time screen reader user, I use a few features meant for people with low vision. Again, I am not big fan of using magnification…