It’s true that a dream comes into reality, when supported by every individual; no matter how small the support may be. It’s so true in case of re-construction of Siva Temple at my home town Injaram.
During mid 2010, a few members of the village thought that the auspicious Lord Siva Temple needs renovation and to get the sufficient grant from the Government, villagers needs to mobilize the funds of about 15 Lacs and that’s when they decided to use the world wide web as one of the sources to reach out to families who belong to Injaram but living elsewhere; and launched Thanks to my uncle Shri. Kakaraparthi Venkata Rao, who happens to be coordinating this effort. We had the first meeting around December 2010 with villagers and to our surprise, the commitment to support the cause is huge and within about three to four months, Committee was able to mobilize all the required funds and approached Government for additional support, which was sanctioned in a quick time.
Now, the temple construction is full in swing and should be ready for inauguration early next year! I’m so glad this temple is taking a new shape and I still remember my memories with this temple during my childhood. Thanks everyone who have been active support and Lord Siva bless us all!

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