This website has been designed to be as inclusive as possible by following Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 conferring to Level AA. Should you experience any difficulty, or if you have any suggestions concerning the site’s accessibility, please feel free to contact.
To find quickly what you are looking on the website, you can search for it. If you are screen reader user, you can reach the search field by pressing the ‘E’ key on the keyboard when the cursor is at the top of the page. Visually the search field could be activated by clicking search icon located at the end of navigation menu.
Different regions on the pages are marked up with ARIA landmarks. Currently it is supported by:
- NVDA and JAWS when using Internet Explorer 9 or Firefox 3+
- VoiceOver when using Safari on iOS 4+
- Orca (Linux screen reader) using Firefox 3+
The website has been tested on a number of mobile devices, and displays will differ depending upon the type of device and its orientation (landscape or portrait mode). All functionality of the website is maintained for mobile devices.
Using Skip Links
This site has hidden in page link which is visible only if accessed through a screen reader. With the help of this link, you can jump to the main content.
Text Resize
You can make the text larger, you can use your browser’s zoom function to increase the text size. To use your browser’s zoom function, please follow these instructions:
Microsoft Windows Users:
- Internet Explorer 7 and 8: Either select the ‘View’ menu and select the ‘Zoom’ option or for keyboard users hold ‘Ctrl’ and press the ‘+’ (plus) or ‘-‘ (minus) keys.
- Internet Explorer 9: Either select the ‘View’ option from the menu bar and select the ‘Zoom’ or for keyboard users hold ‘Ctrl’ and press the ‘+’ (plus) or ‘-‘ (minus) keys.
- Firefox: Display the standard menus by going to the menu bar, select ‘View’ menu and select the ‘Zoom’ option or for keyboard users hold ‘Ctrl’ and press the ‘+’ (plus) or ‘-‘ (minus) keys.
Mac / OSX Users:
- Safari: Either select the ‘View’ menu and select ‘Zoom In’ or ‘Zoom Out’ or for keyboard users hold ‘Command’ and press the ‘+’ (plus) or ‘-‘ (minus) keys.
Changing the colour scheme and contrast
You can use contrast themes provided by your browser or operating system or any third party screen magnification software you may be using.
Navigation using a screen reader
- Using JAWS you can use the keyboard navigation in virtual mode by:
- Next landmark: ‘;’ (semicolon)
- Previous landmark: ‘Shift’ + ‘;’ (semicolon)
- List of landmarks: ‘Ctrl’ + ‘Insert’ + ‘;’ (semicolon)
Using NVDA 2011.2 the landmark keyboard combination in virtual buffer mode is:
- Next landmark: ‘D’
- Previous landmark: ‘Shift’ + ‘D’
- List landmarks (and list/headings): NVDA + ‘F7’
VoiceOver users can navigate a page via landmarks by choosing ‘landmarks’ in the ‘web rotor’, then finger flicking up or down will move to the next or previous landmark.
Headings and Links
- ‘H’ to cycle forwards through the headings
- ‘Shift’ + ‘H’ to cycle backwards through the headings
- ‘1’ to navigate to the next level 1 heading (or a number between 1 and 6 to navigate to the next heading on this level)
- ‘Shift’ + ‘1’ to navigate to the previous level 1 heading (or a number between 1 and 6 to navigate to the previous heading on this level)
- ‘Insert’ + ‘F6’ to provide a list of all headings
- Press the ‘Tab’ key to proceed through the links or ‘Shift’ + ‘Tab’ to cycle backwards through the links.
- ‘Insert’ + ‘F7’ to provide a list of all links
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
This website adheres to World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 up to Level AA conformance, which explains how to make web content more accessible for people with disabilities.
W3C Standards
This site has been built using code compliant with W3C standards for HTML5 and cascading style sheets (CSS). The site displays correctly in current browsers and using standards compliant XHTML/CSS code. This means that any future browsers will also display it correctly.
Word Press Accessibility Plugin
We have used Word Press Accessibility Plugin by Joe Dolson to make the site more accessible.